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Step 1 in Successful Marketing of Horses Online - Cell Phones
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There are many keys to being able to market and sell horses online successfully.
This is Step 1 of the series 'Successful Selling of Horses Online - Cell Phones'.
Today, we are going to talk about the importance of having a website that works great and is optimized for cell phones.
Watch the video to hear from Tom Bruch, Big Sky Internet Design owner, about the importance of having a website that is optimized for Cell Phones.
Back in the day, just having a website was all you needed to help market your horses. That was it! You would put your website address on the print ad that you ran in various horse magazines, and people would find you!
Of course, now EVERYONE has a website and hardly ANYONE actually runs print ads any longer.
Now your website must be designed and built to work flawlessly on a cell phone. Why? EVERYONE is using their cell phones almost exclusively for recreation, research and entertainment.
Well, what does 'Flawlessly' really mean and more importantly how does it help your business?
Sure it needs to look awesome, be modern feeling and eye-catching, but really what does that mean?
Your website must:
Have curb appeal! You have one shot at the first impression. It has to make your visitor want to see what else you have.
Look and work GREAT on ANY device, from a TV to a cell phone.
Be 'Stupid Easy' to navigate. In other words, your site visitors must easily be able to find what they are looking for.
Be Fast-Loading. Your site visitors expect your site to load quickly. They will bail on your website if they have to wait for content to load. Attention spans are very short and no one has patience anymore.
Make it 'Stupid Easy' to contact you! Address, Facebook link, email, and your phone number set up to dial automatically should be on EVERY PAGE!
All of that sounds like common sense, but I bet you have been to many websites that don't follow these simple guidelines. And when they didn't, you did not stick around.
Something to think about! Please contact us if you have any questions